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Английский язык для судовых электромехаников

Артикул: 7142
335.00 руб.

Английский язык для судовых электромехаников


The Seventh Term

Unit I

Duties of Electricians
Duties of Electricians. Gerund

Unit 2

Shipboard Electrical Equipment and Basic Elements of Automation
Section 1. Basic Electrical Measuring Instruments. Participle
Section 2. Synchronous up/down Counters, infinitive
Section 3. Automatic Voltage Regulators. Infinitive Constructions . Section 4. Ordering Directions and Standard Equipment. Subjunctive Mood .

Unit 3

Shipboard Automation
Section 1. Alarm Measuring System. English Syntax
The Eighth Term
Section 2. Power Plant Control System
Section 3. Automatic Control System for Snips Electrical Power Plants .
Section 4. Automatic Control of the Shaft Generators
Section 5. Starting Control from Engine Control Room
The Ninth Term

Unlit 4 Electronic Automation

Section 1. Bridge Manoeuvring System
Section 2. Precautions at Slow- and Shut-Downs . .
Section 3. Preventive Maintenance
Keys to tests

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